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Day 30 5 tips for nurses

It finally comes to an end. It has been fun writing this blog, so I am grateful for the challenge. As for the last post, I have no idea on tips. I'm rather rubbish at advice but here goes. Always stick with what you believe in. Don't give up your principles. Make sure you carry on as you expect you should. Treat your patients how you would like to be treated or how you would test your own family. Keep striving for the best of the best. Don't every stop learning and suiting new knowledge. Always question practice and if you can improve things do so. Continue to be proud to be a nurse and pass this feeling onto others. Ensure we have a younger generation of nurses carrying on our heritage. Don't be afraid to make mistakes. It's how we deal with our mistakes which is important. As long as we learn from them. Thank you for reading my blog, if of course you are.

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