Celebrating NHS at 70

Well the NHS made it! 70 years old today. Congratulations on making it to this momentous milestone.

How far we have come in 70 years. When I think of some of the achievements we have accomplished in a relatively short period of time, I feel extremely proud of the NHS.

We aren't perfect but then who is? People are treated for need not by how much money they have. Imagine what it would be like to have to pay for all our treatments? Your in an accident and the ambulance will not treat you unless you show a credit card. You have to choose whether you eat today or buy medicines that are keeping you alive. You would rather suffer in agony than pay to see a doctor.

Thankfully we don't have to worry about these things in the UK because of our amazing NHS. People do take advantage don't get me wrong. No one really understands how much everything costs. We are like children who never question where all our wonderful toys come from and just want more and more. Because we are not given a bill we have no idea and just think everything just magically appears.

Look at the innovation, technological breakthroughs and vast a achievements over 70 years. We can now perform transplants of all major organs, even creating artificial organs in some cases. We are developing gene therapies helping those with genetic disorders. We are even pioneering presicion medicine and aiming to provide personalised treatments for cancers and other diseases. We have vaccination programmes which reduce the risk of contracting life threatening diseases. We have state of the art screening programmes for cancer, rare diseases and many others.

We strive to better ourselves as humans and this is what the NHS does. It forever strives to improve itself to ensure everyone benefits from the very latest breakthroughs and best care  choices. Through research, innovative thinkers, collaboration, strong leadership, compassionate care, a sense of being part of something very special, will ensure the NHS will get better and better.

We need to ensure we do not lose the NHS. We might be getting old but we are so valuable because we have so much knowledge, so much understanding and we have been there and done that! Ok we might need some help along the way but come on who hasn't needed help at some stage? Look at what we have already achieved and think what is to come. We can make the NHS great again!


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