Day25 what are your nursing pet peeves

Is it wise to talk about nurse pet peeves? Is this what annoys me about other nurses or being a nurse?
I don't like nurses who cut corners. They try to do the bare minimum and really you ask yourself why they even went into nursing. Those nurses who always look disinterested and as if they would rather be elsewhere. I have unfortunately met bad nurses, lazy nurses and nasty nurses.
I don't like those nurses who take all the credit, show nonrecognition to those around them, and would happily climb over you to get up that career ladder. Those who only share part of the information with you so you can never be on the same level as they are.
I really don't like people who only do things that will benefit themselves. We should help each other, enable us to all reach our full potentials.
I have many peeves so before this becomes an epic saga I will end there.


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